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2024 Minutes


JanuaryParade of finishes Japanese Fabric Challenge (host: Group)

FebruaryMaximalism (host: Guild Board)

March – March 14-17: Winter Retreat – Spring Fling (host: Guild Board)


April –  Quilt Tags (host: Jill Therrault)

May  – 

June  – “Transparency Quilts” by Michelle Bartholomew

July – ECO Dying

August – 

September – “Freddy Moran” Face Quilts

October – Retreat – No Meeting

November – Extended Show & Tell

December – No Meeting



April 11, 2024 – Minutes

    Welcome and introduction of our several new members.

      1. Lightning Round Question: What is your favorite thing to grow in the spring and summer months? 
      2. Reports and Business: Retreat Recap, Back To Nature QAL, what else? 
      3. Discussion: Details for July hand-dying workshop at Lesley’s home 
      4. Program:  Labeling Your Quilts  by Jill Therrault
      5. Show and tell 

    Meeting Notes:

    Consider “no waiting room” setting when scheduling meetings on Zoom. 

    July Eco Dyeing Class Details: Teacher Kat will bring everything we need except gloves and tables (Terry will bring those). $40 per person. 4 PM to 8 PM on either July 18 or July 25 (depending on Lesley’s schedule). Sign-ups starting soon! 

    Tax Return Update from Tamara: return was rejected. One month to update records. It’s due 5/15/24. When Tamara called, the lady said “by year-end will be OK”

    Ohme Garden Quilt Show Update from Jill: waiting to hear more about pricing. Jill will let us know. 

    Sew-In Saturday 4/20/24 from 9 AM to 3 PM, Shelli will email reminder 


    JUNE 13, 2024

    Meeting Minutes

    Present:  Michelle Bartholomew, Althea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Sharon Paine, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Deborah Shemorry, Nancy Straub, Cathy Sweeney, Jill Theriault and Terry Murphy

    Old Business:  No meeting in July, 2024

    Upcoming Class:     ECO Dying

    July 18, 2024

    Home of Leslie Allan:  919 Skyline Place, Wenatchee

    4PM – 8 PM

    $40 (Paid to Terry Murphy by July 12, 2024)



    New Business:  Guild is exploring holding in-person, with ZOOM option, meetings.  Discussion re potential locations including the Wenatchee Library meeting room.  No decision made at this time.


    Presentation:  Michelle Bartholomew – Transparency Quilts


    Michelle shared key concepts of Transparency Quilts, including:

                Subtracting Colors

                Additive and Mixing Colors to add light

                Averaging Mixing to affect perception

                Value Mixing color with white or black

                Value Mixing using same colors

                Creating Depth


    She incorporated a video by Christine Barnes “Special Effects with Color”






    JUNE 13, 2024

    Meeting Minutes

    Present:  Michelle Bartholomew, Althea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Sharon Paine, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Deborah Shemorry, Nancy Straub, Cathy Sweeney, Jill Theriault and Terry Murphy

    Old Business:  No meeting in July, 2024

    Upcoming Class:     ECO Dying

    July 18, 2024

    Home of Leslie Allan:  919 Skyline Place, Wenatchee

    4PM – 8 PM

    $40 (Paid to Terry Murphy by July 12, 2024)



    New Business:  Guild is exploring holding in-person, with ZOOM option, meetings.  Discussion re potential locations including the Wenatchee Library meeting room.  No decision made at this time.


    Presentation:  Michelle Bartholomew – Transparency Quilts


    Michelle shared key concepts of Transparency Quilts, including:

                Subtracting Colors

                Additive and Mixing Colors to add light

                Averaging Mixing to affect perception

                Value Mixing color with white or black

                Value Mixing using same colors

                Creating Depth


    She incorporated a video by Christine Barnes “Special Effects with Color”


    July – Meeting Cancelled, Potluck at Lesley’s House; Botanical Dyeing $40 to Terry

    August 8, 2024
    Guild Meeting led by Thea Gyde, Board Vice-President
    Present: Michelle Bartholomew, Tamara Dezellem, Thea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli
    Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Debbie Shemorry, Nancy
    Straub, Cathy Sweeney and Lynette Westendorf
    1. Echo Dying – Recap of Echo Dying class with instructor, Kat, held in July at the home of
    Lesley Allen. The consensus of the attendees is that the class was fun and informative.
    A big thank you goes to member, Terry Murphy, who arranged for this great class.

    2. Monthly Meetings – Discussion was held regarding holding our monthly meetings in
    person and with a Zoom option. Shelli is going to contact Cordell-Neher to check
    availability and Zoom equipment. It is essential that all members feel included and that
    those who attend via Zoom are able to hear the meeting. Cordell-Neher may have
    “Owl” equipment that could meet our needs. The Guild agreed to pursue this on a
    “trial” basis and agreed that the January, 2025 meeting would be held via Zoom only
    due to weather.

    3. Fall-2024 Retreat
    a. The Fall Retreat will be held from Thursday evening, October 24 th through 3:00
    PM on Sunday, October 27 th at the basement office of Cordell-Neher, 175 East
    Penny Rd., Wenatchee.
    b. The Retreat will replace our October Guild meeting and the “Saturday Sew In”.
    c. The cost for the Retreat is $25; please notify Thea @ of your intention to attend and please mail the
    $25 registration fee to CWMQG, P. O. Box 3299, Wenatchee, WA 98807 by
    September 30, 2024. Cordell-Neher has been so generous with our Guild and all
    they ask is that each of us donate can(s) of food to be given to the Food Bank.
    Please include this as part of the cost of the Retreat.
    d. Thursday night: There will be a “Hand Sewing Happy Hour” and “Show & Tell.”
    Please Bring appetizers & drinks to share.
    e. Friday: For lunch, there will be a main course salad included; please feel free to
    bring additional items. Dinner will be provided by Guild members; there will be
    a sign-up sheet for main course, side dishes and dessert.
    f. Saturday: For lunch, there will be a main course salad included; please feel free
    to bring additional items. Pizza will be provided; please feel free to bring
    additional items.
    g. Sunday: No meals provided.
    h. There will be at least two activities: “Dimensional Stitching” and “Paper Collage”
    exercise that may inspire a quilt. Examples of Dimensional Stitching and Paper
    Collage will be shown at the September Guild Meeting.
    i. The Guild members chose to forgo games this year.

    4. Saturday Sew-In – The Saturday sew-ins have not been well attended. There will be a
    Saturday sew-in on September 21 st from 9-3 and in November, 16 th . For the year 2025,

    the Guild will meet on the 3 rd Saturday of the month for January, February, March, April
    and September. There will be no Saturday sew-ins from May-August.

    5. Board Member Terms – A proposal was made by Thea, our Guild Vice-President that
    Board Member terms be reduced from two years to one year plus an additional two
    months to act as support to the incoming Board Members. The outgoing Board should
    be required to plan the January meeting along with the new Board members to assure a
    smooth transition. Board members could be re-elected for up to 4 consecutive terms.
    This would require a change to our Bylaws. No decision made at this time.

    6. Variety Show Discussion
    a. Participants were asked to name a “non-quilting” tool or item that is especially
    helpful. Tools/items listed include: clear tackle box, pencil holders, cardboard
    tubes to wrap quilts around for storage, magnetic stick to pick up pins (Harbor
    Freight), flannel-lined tablecloth to lay out quilt and roll back up for storage, and
    many others.
    b. Participants were asked to share ideas for future programs including: Quilting
    our quilts, Free Motion Quilting, sponsoring an instructor/trunk show and
    possible quilt challenges such as architectural, geometric, photo, nature, travel,
    view out my window, fabric challenge (designer-type-color-style) and
    transparency quilts.

    7. “What If” Challenge
    a. You tried out one or two of the non-quilt-specific or quilt-specific items
    discussed tonight?
    b. You finished some of your Christmas gift sewing early this year?
    c. You asked a quilty friend to help you with a technique you need more experience
    d. You finished your favorite/most exciting/oldest UFO?
    e. You made something just for yourself?
    f. You used a color, texture, or type of fabric you keep meaning to try?
    g. You made something for a specific show?
    h. You made something that isn’t a quilt?
     Begin working on your What If…? piece
     Take photos of your progress and finished item
     Send those photos in for our November Mini Quilt Show (extended show and


    2024 PROGRAMS

    JanuaryParade of finishes Japanese Fabric Challenge (host: Group)

    FebruaryMaximalism (host: Guild Board)

    MarchSpring Fling (host: Guild Board

    Winter Retreat – March 14-17

    April –  Quilt Tags (host: Jill Therrault)

    Agenda: April 11, 2024 

      Welcome and introduction of our several new members.

        1. Lightning Round Question: What is your favorite thing to grow in the spring and summer months? 
        2. Reports and Business: Retreat Recap, Back To Nature QAL, what else? 
        3. Discussion: Details for July hand-dying workshop at Lesley’s home 
        4. Program:  Labeling Your Quilts  by Jill Therrault
        5. Show and tell 

      Meeting Notes:

      Consider “no waiting room” setting when scheduling meetings on Zoom. 

      July Eco Dyeing Class Details: Teacher Kat will bring everything we need except gloves and tables (Terry will bring those). $40 per person. 4 PM to 8 PM on either July 18 or July 25 (depending on Lesley’s schedule). Sign-ups starting soon! 

      Tax Return Update from Tamara: return was rejected. One month to update records. It’s due 5/15/24. When Tamara called, the lady said “by year-end will be OK”

      Ohme Garden Quilt Show Update from Jill: waiting to hear more about pricing. Jill will let us know. 

      Sew-In Saturday 4/20/24 from 9 AM to 3 PM, Shelli will email reminder 



      JuneTransparent Quilts:  Program:  Michelle Bartholomew

      JUNE 13, 2024

      Meeting Minutes

      Present:  Michelle Bartholomew, Althea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Sharon Paine, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Deborah Shemorry, Nancy Straub, Cathy Sweeney, Jill Theriault and Terry Murphy

      Old Business:  No meeting in July, 2024

      Upcoming Class:     ECO Dying

      July 18, 2024

      Home of Leslie Allan:  919 Skyline Place, Wenatchee

      4PM – 8 PM

      $40 (Paid to Terry Murphy by July 12, 2024)



      New Business:  Guild is exploring holding in-person, with ZOOM option, meetings.  Discussion re potential locations including the Wenatchee Library meeting room.  No decision made at this time.


      Presentation:  Michelle Bartholomew – Transparency Quilts


      Michelle shared key concepts of Transparency Quilts, including:

                  Subtracting Colors

                  Additive and Mixing Colors to add light

                  Averaging Mixing to affect perception

                  Value Mixing color with white or black

                  Value Mixing using same colors

                  Creating Depth


      She incorporated a video by Christine Barnes “Special Effects with Color”


      July – Meeting Cancelled, Potluck at Lesley’s House; Botanical Dyeing $40 to Terry

      August 8, 2024
      Guild Meeting led by Thea Gyde, Board Vice-President
      Present: Michelle Bartholomew, Tamara Dezellem, Thea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli
      Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Debbie Shemorry, Nancy
      Straub, Cathy Sweeney and Lynette Westendorf
      1. Echo Dying – Recap of Echo Dying class with instructor, Kat, held in July at the home of
      Lesley Allen. The consensus of the attendees is that the class was fun and informative.
      A big thank you goes to member, Terry Murphy, who arranged for this great class.

      2. Monthly Meetings – Discussion was held regarding holding our monthly meetings in
      person and with a Zoom option. Shelli is going to contact Cordell-Neher to check
      availability and Zoom equipment. It is essential that all members feel included and that
      those who attend via Zoom are able to hear the meeting. Cordell-Neher may have
      “Owl” equipment that could meet our needs. The Guild agreed to pursue this on a
      “trial” basis and agreed that the January, 2025 meeting would be held via Zoom only
      due to weather.

      3. Fall-2024 Retreat
      a. The Fall Retreat will be held from Thursday evening, October 24 th through 3:00
      PM on Sunday, October 27 th at the basement office of Cordell-Neher, 175 East
      Penny Rd., Wenatchee.
      b. The Retreat will replace our October Guild meeting and the “Saturday Sew In”.
      c. The cost for the Retreat is $25; please notify Thea @ of your intention to attend and please mail the
      $25 registration fee to CWMQG, P. O. Box 3299, Wenatchee, WA 98807 by
      September 30, 2024. Cordell-Neher has been so generous with our Guild and all
      they ask is that each of us donate can(s) of food to be given to the Food Bank.
      Please include this as part of the cost of the Retreat.
      d. Thursday night: There will be a “Hand Sewing Happy Hour” and “Show & Tell.”
      Please Bring appetizers & drinks to share.
      e. Friday: For lunch, there will be a main course salad included; please feel free to
      bring additional items. Dinner will be provided by Guild members; there will be
      a sign-up sheet for main course, side dishes and dessert.
      f. Saturday: For lunch, there will be a main course salad included; please feel free
      to bring additional items. Pizza will be provided; please feel free to bring
      additional items.
      g. Sunday: No meals provided.
      h. There will be at least two activities: “Dimensional Stitching” and “Paper Collage”
      exercise that may inspire a quilt. Examples of Dimensional Stitching and Paper
      Collage will be shown at the September Guild Meeting.
      i. The Guild members chose to forgo games this year.

      4. Saturday Sew-In – The Saturday sew-ins have not been well attended. There will be a
      Saturday sew-in on September 21 st from 9-3 and in November, 16 th . For the year 2025,

      the Guild will meet on the 3 rd Saturday of the month for January, February, March, April
      and September. There will be no Saturday sew-ins from May-August.

      5. Board Member Terms – A proposal was made by Thea, our Guild Vice-President that
      Board Member terms be reduced from two years to one year plus an additional two
      months to act as support to the incoming Board Members. The outgoing Board should
      be required to plan the January meeting along with the new Board members to assure a
      smooth transition. Board members could be re-elected for up to 4 consecutive terms.
      This would require a change to our Bylaws. No decision made at this time.

      6. Variety Show Discussion
      a. Participants were asked to name a “non-quilting” tool or item that is especially
      helpful. Tools/items listed include: clear tackle box, pencil holders, cardboard
      tubes to wrap quilts around for storage, magnetic stick to pick up pins (Harbor
      Freight), flannel-lined tablecloth to lay out quilt and roll back up for storage, and
      many others.
      b. Participants were asked to share ideas for future programs including: Quilting
      our quilts, Free Motion Quilting, sponsoring an instructor/trunk show and
      possible quilt challenges such as architectural, geometric, photo, nature, travel,
      view out my window, fabric challenge (designer-type-color-style) and
      transparency quilts.

      7. “What If” Challenge
      a. You tried out one or two of the non-quilt-specific or quilt-specific items
      discussed tonight?
      b. You finished some of your Christmas gift sewing early this year?
      c. You asked a quilty friend to help you with a technique you need more experience
      d. You finished your favorite/most exciting/oldest UFO?
      e. You made something just for yourself?
      f. You used a color, texture, or type of fabric you keep meaning to try?
      g. You made something for a specific show?
      h. You made something that isn’t a quilt?
       Begin working on your What If…? piece
       Take photos of your progress and finished item
       Send those photos in for our November Mini Quilt Show (extended show and

      September – 




      2024 PROGRAMS

      JanuaryParade of finishes Japanese Fabric Challenge (host: Group)

      FebruaryMaximalism (host: Guild Board)

      MarchSpring Fling (host: Guild Board

      Winter Retreat – March 14-17

      April –  Quilt Tags (host: Jill Therrault)

      Agenda: April 11, 2024 

        Welcome and introduction of our several new members.

          1. Lightning Round Question: What is your favorite thing to grow in the spring and summer months? 
          2. Reports and Business: Retreat Recap, Back To Nature QAL, what else? 
          3. Discussion: Details for July hand-dying workshop at Lesley’s home 
          4. Program:  Labeling Your Quilts  by Jill Therrault
          5. Show and tell 

        Meeting Notes:

        Consider “no waiting room” setting when scheduling meetings on Zoom. 

        July Eco Dyeing Class Details: Teacher Kat will bring everything we need except gloves and tables (Terry will bring those). $40 per person. 4 PM to 8 PM on either July 18 or July 25 (depending on Lesley’s schedule). Sign-ups starting soon! 

        Tax Return Update from Tamara: return was rejected. One month to update records. It’s due 5/15/24. When Tamara called, the lady said “by year-end will be OK”

        Ohme Garden Quilt Show Update from Jill: waiting to hear more about pricing. Jill will let us know. 

        Sew-In Saturday 4/20/24 from 9 AM to 3 PM, Shelli will email reminder 


        MINUTES – June 13, 2024

        Present:  Michelle Bartholomew, Althea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Sharon Paine, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Deborah Shemorry, Nancy Straub, Cathy Sweeney, Jill Theriault and Terry Murphy

        Old Business:  No meeting in July, 2024

        Upcoming Class:     ECO Dying

        July 18, 2024

        Home of Leslie Allan:  919 Skyline Place, Wenatchee

        4PM – 8 PM

        $40 (Paid to Terry Murphy by July 12, 2024)



        New Business:  Guild is exploring holding in-person, with ZOOM option, meetings.  Discussion re potential locations including the Wenatchee Library meeting room.  No decision made at this time.


        Presentation:  Michelle Bartholomew – Transparency Quilts


        Michelle shared key concepts of Transparency Quilts, including:

                    Subtracting Colors

                    Additive and Mixing Colors to add light

                    Averaging Mixing to affect perception

                    Value Mixing color with white or black

                    Value Mixing using same colors

                    Creating Depth


        She incorporated a video by Christine Barnes “Special Effects with Color”


        July – Meeting Cancelled, Potluck at Lesley’s House; Botanical Dyeing $40 to Terry

        MINUTES – August 8, 2024
        Guild Meeting led by Thea Gyde, Board Vice-President
        Present: Michelle Bartholomew, Tamara Dezellem, Thea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli
        Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Debbie Shemorry, Nancy
        Straub, Cathy Sweeney and Lynette Westendorf
        1. Echo Dying – Recap of Echo Dying class with instructor, Kat, held in July at the home of
        Lesley Allen. The consensus of the attendees is that the class was fun and informative.
        A big thank you goes to member, Terry Murphy, who arranged for this great class.

        2. Monthly Meetings – Discussion was held regarding holding our monthly meetings in
        person and with a Zoom option. Shelli is going to contact Cordell-Neher to check
        availability and Zoom equipment. It is essential that all members feel included and that
        those who attend via Zoom are able to hear the meeting. Cordell-Neher may have
        “Owl” equipment that could meet our needs. The Guild agreed to pursue this on a
        “trial” basis and agreed that the January, 2025 meeting would be held via Zoom only
        due to weather.

        3. Fall-2024 Retreat
        a. The Fall Retreat will be held from Thursday evening, October 24 th through 3:00
        PM on Sunday, October 27 th at the basement office of Cordell-Neher, 175 East
        Penny Rd., Wenatchee.
        b. The Retreat will replace our October Guild meeting and the “Saturday Sew In”.
        c. The cost for the Retreat is $25; please notify Thea @ of your intention to attend and please mail the
        $25 registration fee to CWMQG, P. O. Box 3299, Wenatchee, WA 98807 by
        September 30, 2024. Cordell-Neher has been so generous with our Guild and all
        they ask is that each of us donate can(s) of food to be given to the Food Bank.
        Please include this as part of the cost of the Retreat.
        d. Thursday night: There will be a “Hand Sewing Happy Hour” and “Show & Tell.”
        Please Bring appetizers & drinks to share.
        e. Friday: For lunch, there will be a main course salad included; please feel free to
        bring additional items. Dinner will be provided by Guild members; there will be
        a sign-up sheet for main course, side dishes and dessert.
        f. Saturday: For lunch, there will be a main course salad included; please feel free
        to bring additional items. Pizza will be provided; please feel free to bring
        additional items.
        g. Sunday: No meals provided.
        h. There will be at least two activities: “Dimensional Stitching” and “Paper Collage”
        exercise that may inspire a quilt. Examples of Dimensional Stitching and Paper
        Collage will be shown at the September Guild Meeting.
        i. The Guild members chose to forgo games this year.

        4. Saturday Sew-In – The Saturday sew-ins have not been well attended. There will be a
        Saturday sew-in on September 21 st from 9-3 and in November, 16 th . For the year 2025,

        the Guild will meet on the 3 rd Saturday of the month for January, February, March, April
        and September. There will be no Saturday sew-ins from May-August.

        5. Board Member Terms – A proposal was made by Thea, our Guild Vice-President that
        Board Member terms be reduced from two years to one year plus an additional two
        months to act as support to the incoming Board Members. The outgoing Board should
        be required to plan the January meeting along with the new Board members to assure a
        smooth transition. Board members could be re-elected for up to 4 consecutive terms.
        This would require a change to our Bylaws. No decision made at this time.

        6. Variety Show Discussion
        a. Participants were asked to name a “non-quilting” tool or item that is especially
        helpful. Tools/items listed include: clear tackle box, pencil holders, cardboard
        tubes to wrap quilts around for storage, magnetic stick to pick up pins (Harbor
        Freight), flannel-lined tablecloth to lay out quilt and roll back up for storage, and
        many others.
        b. Participants were asked to share ideas for future programs including: Quilting
        our quilts, Free Motion Quilting, sponsoring an instructor/trunk show and
        possible quilt challenges such as architectural, geometric, photo, nature, travel,
        view out my window, fabric challenge (designer-type-color-style) and
        transparency quilts.

        7. “What If” Challenge
        a. You tried out one or two of the non-quilt-specific or quilt-specific items
        discussed tonight?
        b. You finished some of your Christmas gift sewing early this year?
        c. You asked a quilty friend to help you with a technique you need more experience
        d. You finished your favorite/most exciting/oldest UFO?
        e. You made something just for yourself?
        f. You used a color, texture, or type of fabric you keep meaning to try?
        g. You made something for a specific show?
        h. You made something that isn’t a quilt?
         Begin working on your What If…? piece
         Take photos of your progress and finished item
         Send those photos in for our November Mini Quilt Show (extended show and

        MINUTES:  September 11, 2024

        Present:  Leslie Allen, Tamara Dezellem, Kristen Doerr, Thea Gyde, Aleesha Kobernik, Shelli Maitland, Cassie Miller, Terry Murphy, Sharon Paine, Peggy Ross, Cindy Rudolph, Nancy Straub, Cathy Sweeney, Jill Theriault and Terry Murphy.  Guests: Nancy Wenke, Pat Stutzman and Radine Maitland.  Guest Presenter:  Susie Decker “Freddy Moran Faces Project” 

        1.      Susie Decker presentation re Freddy Moran:  – Freddy Moran was an artist/quilter who was born in 1930 and passed away earlier this year.  She started her quilting journey at age 60.  She wrote two books:  Freddy’s and Collaborative Quilting and there is an in-depth interview with her found on the website “” with Alex Alexander.  Susie presented Freddy’s technique of making faces using raw edge applique.  Required supplies include: glue stick, scissors, pinking shears, fabric, paper, pencil and a friction pen.  To begin, choose a background fabric approximately 18 x 24.  Draw a face on a piece of paper with a long, thin neck.  Transfer the design to fabric and glue it to the background fabric.  Choose fabric for hair, eyes, nose, mouth, clothing, etc. and perhaps jewelry.  Glue all of the fabric to the background fabric.  The last step is to add batting and backing fabric and then sew, using a straight stitch,  around all of the pieces.

        2.     Upcoming Events

        a.     September 29:  Saturday Sew-In with Susie Decker from 9-3

        b.    October 24-27:  Fall Retreat

                                                       i.     Thursday night: Set-up, Hand sewing, Happy Hour and Show & Tell.  Bring drinks and appetizers to share.

                                                     ii.     Friday or Saturday Workshops

        1.     Dimensional Quilts with Jill & Cathy.  Bring beads,  buttons and pearl cotton.  Fabric & batting will be supplied

        2.     From Collage to Quilt:  Making paper collages to develop quilt ideas.  Bring old magazines, colored paper, glue stick, wrapping paper, tissue paper, paper scissors.  Also bring black construction paper to make “viewfinders.”

                                                    iii.      Meals:  

        1.     Breakfast on your own; feel free to bring snacks to share

        2.     Lunch provided Friday and Saturday

        3.     Friday night dinner:  Need volunteers

        4.     Saturday night:  Pizza provided by the Guild

        5.     Sunday:  no meals provided

        c.      November 14th Guild Meeting:

                                                       i.     Budget  Proposal

                                                     ii.     Proposed changes to By-Laws re term limits of Board of Directors.

                                                    iii.     Mini Quilt Show (maximum 4 entries per person)

        1.     “What If” Challenge

        2.     Freddy Faces

        3.     Maximist Quilt 


        3.      Proposed Changes to CWMQG By-Laws, terms of the members of the Board of Directors.  Introduction of proposal to change the terms of the Directors from 2-year terms to 1-year terms.  Discussion postponed to November 2024 meeting.